National Commercial Campaigns
AAA Anheuser-Busch AT&T; Baskin Robins Cadillac Carnation Chrysler Dunkin Donuts Ford Honey Baked J.C. Penny Kohler Lexus Mattel McDonalds MCI Oral B Russell Stover Shimano Southwest Airlines Sprint Teleflora Florist Tomy Toys Westin Hotels
Commercials (2:00)
ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, UPN, Hallmark Channel, Playboy Channel, ESPN, HBO, TNT.
Tilly voiced the launch for FOX's Temptation Island and Pasadena. She was hired as the primary voice for Fox's The Health Network. Her voice was used to set the tone for HBO's Six Feet Under - funeral home commercials. She was the first female to live-announce the ESPY Awards.
Promo (2:00)
The Tisherman Agency
6767 Forest Lawn Drive #101
Los Angeles, CA 90068
Tel: 323-850-6767
500 Fifth Avenue, 37th Floor
New York, NY 10110
Tel: 212-703-7540
Theresa Tilly direct:
[email protected]
Now more accessible than ever with ISDN and MP3 capability.
